Encouraging desktop users onto a mobile app

In a nutshell

We want to drive more customers to become users of our app. App users have a higher repeat rate (ie, they go on to post more jobs) and those jobs come with a customer acquisition cost of zero. Not only that, but we have several features on the app that work so much better than on web such as private in-app calling.


Although there are many potential entry points to the app (and the most successful ones occur during existing web flows where the hand off is most natural) having a nice clear app download area that is modularised and can be displayed anywhere on the website is a very useful thing to have.


There was an existing banner prompting app downloads but it wasn’t performing particularly well. The copy was very generic and the desktop version simply linked to the app stores, which is completely unhelpful!

As a desktop user you’d click the app store link, get directed to the app store and then have to pull your phone out, go to the app store again, search for Rated People and then download the app. Clearly a crappy experience.

So we set about integrating a ‘text me a link’ banner to solve the problem. By inputting your mobile number you receive a text with a direct download link to your phone. Much more seamless. Additionally, we improved the copy to highlight three major benefits to the app.

I put the designs together, working through the potential error states and success states. By designing a responsive component we could also tailor the experience for mobile users. In their case the ‘text me a link’ feature is unnecessary, so a direct link to the app stores was favoured.


I’m not at liberty to disclose actual numbers, but the new banner yielded first month results of an increase of around 15% app installs. For a relatively straightforward project that’s decent uplift. A side benefit is we now have the ‘text me a link’ functionality as a component that we can easily redeploy in other scenarios.

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