Allow notifications? Setting context to boost opt-in


Once a homeowner has posted a job on the web, our goal is to move them over to the app so they can take advantage of the privacy features like in-app calling and messaging. 

In order for these features to work we need the user to enable permissions for notifications and microphone access.

On iOS you only get one shot at this - if a user declines permissions then you can’t trigger the modal again and the only way they can opt in is to go to settings at the OS level. This is much more of a pain and data suggests uptake is much higher if you get the permissions upfront.

So we need to contextually inform users why setting their permissions is a good thing, and make sure this information is communicated when relevant - it’s surprising how many apps instantly ask you to allow access to photos/files/address book etc as soon as you open it up.


Together with the product manager and the lead developer we mapped out the main scenarios:

  1. Brand new app user, no existing account
  2. New app user, has an account, no active job, is not logged in
  3. New app user, has an account, no active job, is logged in
  4. New app user, has an account, has an active job, is logged in

I devised one flow that would explain why enabling both notifications and audio permissions would be beneficial to the user. This flow could then be used in different contexts to meet the user when it was most pertinent/relevant to their journey, hence optimising for uptake.

This effectively breaks down to integrating permissions into the job posting flow for users either without an account, or without a job currently live (at the end of the flow so as not to harm conversion). For users with a job currently live on the system, we provide a personalised landing page which then goes directly into the permissions priming flow.


85% opt in. That’s a landslide. 

Wrapping up

Having got our users into a position where they can get the best out of the app experience, we want to make it clearer what actions they can take and what to expect as the process unfurls. The philosophy for our ‘on-boarding’ process is to do this in real time as new options are unlocked. 

The benefit over trying to communicate this in 3-4 swipable splash screens is clear: 1) No one reads those things 2) Even if they do, they forget.

Tell me, I’ll forget.

Show me, I may remember.

Teach me and I’ll understand.

And that’s Confucius, so...

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